12 Steps to a Successful Sell!

For Sale By Owner

  1. Do you require Power Of Attorney for your spouse — so that you may sign a contract for them? If so, have this in place.
  2. Prepare a Brochure; note any renovations or recent repairs. We can create a color brochure for a small fee.
  3. Have your “Residential Property Disclosure Statement” completed with extra copies. This should be in the buyer’s hands before an “Offer To Purchase Contract” is submitted to you.
  4. Have your own forms ready (Offer to Purchase Contract) in case you will not be working with a buyer’s real estate agent.
  5. Have available any Homeowner’s By-Laws; have a copy ready for review by the buyer.
  6. Negotiate the initial “Offer to Purchase Contract” and the Terms. Have all copies signed and pay careful attention to big-ticket items, including:
    • Buyer’s Pre-Approval or Pre-Qualification (Pre-Approval — with credit pulled — is better)
    • Closing Date
    • Due Diligence Period and Fee
    • Expenses to be paid by seller
    • Earnest Money amount
    • Homeowner’s Warranty
  7. Request the buyer’s attorney’s contact information. They may be the one to hold any Escrow Funds in their Trust Account.
  8. Insure the buyer has scheduled:
    • Loan Application
    • Termite Inspection
    • Home Inspection
    • Radon Inspection
    • Septic Inspection (if applicable)
    • Well Inspection (if applicable)
    • Other

    Know these dates.

  9. Watch your Response Date after any Inspection Report issues are found.
  10.  Cancel utilities and insurance; mail forwarding address; gather keys,  remote controls, garage door openers, etc.
  11.  Expect a HUD Statement from the Closing attorney prior to the  Closing.
  12.  Attend the Closing or make arrangements to sign the documents  beforehand; make plans for wiring or pick-up of funds.

REMEMBER: Not Written, Not Said.

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